- Trade your current accessories for rich, vibrant and trendy items. Sandra Espinet, an interior designer based in Los Cabos, Mexico and Los Angeles, CA, suggets getting rid of the summer white. Also, you can purchase inexpensive throw pillows or slipcovers for bigger furniture pieces; Espinet says slipcovers are excellent for changing with the seasons.
- Paint the walls of your living room, dining room and kitchen a warm color that's inspiring and exciting. Use more than one shade to pull the look together. Additionally, using texture keeps more modern furniture from looking too harsh, and it adds depth to an area.
- Place a hand-knit thick throw blanket over an oversized armchair. You could also use pillows and blankets in fleece, wool or flannel. A mix-matched look is 'in' now, and you'll create a great place for reading.
- Using u-shaped setups divide large rooms and help you create cozy settings. Additionally, if you have a fireplace, place your furniture so it faces it.
- Surround yourself with photos of the ones you love or images of places you want to visit one day. Fill your home with your favorite items, ones that you've made and/or collected throughout your life.
For more tips, check out our source, 10 Decorating Trends for Fall.

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