- Have many date nights a month. Don't rationalize a lack of couple's time for any reason, and that includes your children. The best thing you can do for them is to make your marriage your top priority.
- Check in often. Take at least 10 minutes each day to check in on one another. Don't go one day without learning how your spouse is doing.
- Convey your appreciation every day. Let your spouse know three things you appreciate about him or her daily. Concentrate on the things that work in your relationship and what your spouse does well. Whatever you concentrate on expands.
- Speak from your heart often. While one partner is generally more verbal than the other, frequent discussions about personal emotional topics make people feel closer and more connected.
- Don't go to bed mad. Even though it's not always easy, particularly when you think you're right, putting a hault on the argument before going to sleep will give you a fresh start in the morning.
For five more tips, check out 10 Marriage New Years Resolution's for 2011.

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