- Too much black. Yes, black is sophisticated, but have too much, and your wedding might end up looking like a funeral. If you love black, and it's an absolute must-have, balance it with a bright color or lots of crisp white.
- Losing your personality. Don't choose colors just because your grandmother or future mother-in-law loves them. Instead, consider what you usually wear and the shades used to decorate your place; these are probably colors you're more comfortable with.
- Choosing too many wedding colors. Two is ideal; three will work; any more than that, and your wedding will probably look like it's all over the place. Your wedding colors are supposed to tie everything together. The best way to do this? Have everything in one of two shades.
- Go monochromatic and have various shades of one color. For instance, if green is your color, maybe your bridesmaids could wear different shades of that, and you could have various shades at your reception as well.
- Have related tones (ones adjacent to each other on the color wheel). You could try green and yellow or red, purple and blue.
- Try complementary shades (colors located opposite each other on the color wheel). These are combos like forest green and burgundy or lavendar and pale yellow).
- If you have a favorite color you really love, emphasize it with neutrals. For example, if purple is your fave color, you could have your bridesmaids wear cream dresses with purple sashes and your groomsmen wear off-white tuxedos and purple botonnieres.

Photo from: best-wedding-info.com; Article Source: Choosing your wedding colors